Promoting the exhibition of Poultry & Pigeons in the Limestone Coast

Interested in exhibiting poultry or pigeons or looking to own some pure breed poultry?

See our dates for our club auctions and shows throughout the year to come along and experience what’s involved in exhibition poultry and pigeons and meet our dedicated members.

Looking for specific breeds or breeders?

We have a list of our members and a breeders directory of what our members breed and exhibit to support anyone interested in exhibiting or breeding exhibition poultry or fancy pigeons

Become a member of a group of like-minded poultry and pigeon enthusists .

We are always looking for new members and the chance to further the club and poultry and pigeon keeping as a hobby. We invite you to join us on sale and show days at the Naracoorte Showgrounds Poultry Pavilion. Sign up to become a member of our club today!